Wednesday, January 20, 2016

This Keeps Happening

ISIS destroys ancient Christian monastery

It's near Mosul, where the largest collection of Iraqi Christians, including an old friend profiled on Friday, used to live.  That all changed just a year ago.
Now, St. Elijah’s has joined a growing list of more than 100 demolished religious and historic sites, including mosques, tombs, shrines and churches in Syria and Iraq. The extremists have defaced or ruined ancient monuments in Nineveh, Palmyra and Hatra. Museums and libraries have been looted, books burned, artwork crushed — or trafficked.
[An aside not even known by the diocese:  The first Anglican/Episcopalian to set foot in Mosul was missionary Bishop Southbridge in the 19th century. He had previously been a circuit clergyman in...Litchfield County, Conn.]