Monday, January 4, 2016

I'm Not "Evangelical" in the Same Sense as This Fellow, But He's Got a Point About the Media

Every journalist in America has been secretly attending seminary, and now understands Christianity better than most Christians do. This is the only conclusion I can draw after months of theology lectures from reporters whose most recent encounter with religious terminology was Hozier’s “Take Me to Church.”

I do get tired of the annual lectures from the media about how the Holy Family was homeless [they weren't] or, should someone disagree with their stance on a trendy social issue, how that person is less-than-Christian.  Journalists dismiss and ridicule the religious and then pose of the arbiters of all that is holy, based upon a grotesque sense of moral superiority.

I expect this nonsense from politicians, but they tend to be dull-witted and corrupt and are, thus, easy to ignore.

I also expect artists and filmmakers similarly to mock Christians and compliment one another on their bravery.  They, too, are unimportant as they would never have the guts to do the same with those whose reaction tends less towards "turn the other cheek" and more towards decapitation.