Thursday, January 7, 2016

Not For Those With High Blood Pressure

How the Gold King Mine spill continues to affect Navajo life


Gold King Mine Disaster Cause May Never Be Known, Thanks To EPA
The EPA accepted blame for the Aug. 5, 2015, leak that poisoned drinking water in three western states and the Navajo Nation with three million gallons of toxic mining waste, but no officials have been named as responsible or punished. Similar previous environmental disasters, however, were subjects of criminal investigations that led to severe public penalties for those responsible.
The U.S. government is attempting to coerce the Navajo into accepting money to help with destroyed crops and diseased livestock in return for never bringing it up again, ever, ever, ever.  That way, when a generation of Navajo are suffering from even more poverty and some exotic cancers, the U.S. government can just shrug it off.

Different century, same attitude.