Thursday, March 26, 2015

Yes. Next Question, Please.

Is contemporary education destroying boyhood?
Unlike teachers, mothers are not required to pound their boys into a cultural and political mold.  Rather than being appreciated for the future explorers, warriors and leaders they were designed to be, boys are viewed as defective little girls. Teachers want them to love reading and play nice, and no one wants to know where their hands have been. What is the real trouble with boys? Well, simply put, they are not girls.
Boys are no longer judged by their developmental standards. We have lost sight of a very basic tenet of humanity, one that our ancestors understood since the beginning of time: girls are very different from boys. Boys with uniquely masculine strengths, once prized, are no longer valued. In fact, these traits of boyhood are considered dangerous, even pathological.
Related:  Boy forced to shave haircut honoring brother in the military at a school named after veteran

When an educational institution begins to resemble less a place of learning and more a place of wanton emotional abuse, it's time to give it some scrutiny.

This is the principal.  I've searched their entire website and cannot find any regulations regarding haircuts.  [Update: Now no one may search for this as the website for the entire school district has been pulled offline.  So much for bravely standing by one's decisions.  It was inadvertent, but I suspect the students have learned an object lesson from this.]