Friday, August 19, 2011

I Love The Smell Of Neoprene In The Morning,.. smells like copolymerizing chloroprene with sulfur, 2,3 dichloro-1, and 3-butadiene.*

Yes, back from vacation and ready to replace the aroma of wet neoprene [it's what wetsuits are made out of] and surf wax with those of sanctuary dust, lingering incense resin, and that funky smell in the vesting room [which I have to paint, while I'm thinking about it].

Now to read through the 186 e-mail messages I got while I was away.  Yeesh.

A sure sign of the end of the beach season:

Daytona Beach patrol truck runs over sunbather's head

Or, as the DBBP states, her "head area".  It's okay, she wasn't hurt.  And, just in case you were wondering, the DBBP says that the lifeguard, whose name is Mr. Magoo, has a "spotless record".

[* I was channeling Robert Duval as Lt. Col. Kilgore in "Apocalypse Now".  He's one of the great surfers in American film.  He actually says, "I love the smell of napalm in the morning.  It smells like...victory.]