Friday, August 19, 2011

A New Addition To The List

1. damaged rotator cuff,
2. strained Achilles tendon,
3. simple orbit fracture
4. cracked palate
5. demolished molar [a surf board hit me in the side of the face; not my board, some teenager's]
6. two black eyes [not at the same time]
7. bloodied noses
8. sprained elbow
9. jellyfish stings
10. sixty stitches in various parts of me
11. sprained ankle
12. sunburn [although not since the early 80's]
13. dehydration
14. ear infection
15. various minor abrasions, contusions, lacerations
16. a profound sinus irritation
17. a barracuda once gave me a dirty look
18.torn thumb tendon

and now, for 2011,

19. a knee sprain

It really isn't a vacation without an injury.