Thursday, August 18, 2011

Where's The Episcopal Church In This?

Record numbers of U.S. troops are dying under Obama, but the anti-war movement is nowhere to be found.

I received an awful lot of e-mail and regular mail from the greater church about the evil of war during the last decade, and heard a lot of pieties expressed from pulpits.  I don't think I've received anything in the last two years or so.  Do we really lose interest in war and death when the political party favored by the Episcopal Church is in office?  Without consistency, this just makes the church look like a bunch of shills for one political party over another.  I thought one of the benefits of the separation of church and state was that we could rise above secular ideologies to address what is important and eternal in the human experience.  Was I wrong?  This requires agonizing reappraisal.  Maybe someone should form a committee or something.