Saturday, July 13, 2019

This is One of the Reasons We Have a "Safe Church" Policy in the Episcopal Church

Pastor out at famed Riverside Church after sex toy shopping spree 

This is probably the best compensated, cushiest position in all of American Protestantism.  Not only is the salary very high [$250,000 annually in this case], but the benefits are generous, as well.  Plus, as one presides over secular Christianity's "Palace of Woke", there are compensated speaking engagements, retreat opportunities, and book contracts in the offing.

If you can claim some moral loftiness, in this case in the pastor's vocal support of the #MeToo movement, that makes it all the better. 

The one thing you probably shouldn't do, especially when negotiating a new contract that asks for an additional $100,000 a year, is act piggy.  Why did she think that she could do something that male clergy would be punished/fired/defrocked for doing?  Yeah, I think I know the answer.

It takes a powerful sense of entitlement, or just plain puzzlewitted-ness, to wreck this gig and to treat one's staff in such a manner.

I have noticed that, at times in the church, the loudest, most "moral" voices were often used to mask the speaker's reality. 

I also notice that we've come a long way from what Jesus and the disciples lived.