Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Pungent Admission

I watch the Democratic debates with the sound off and make up my own dialogue.  It's especially fun with that Soviet guy from Vermont, whom I once watched yell at a waitress in a Bennington diner because his eggs were runny or something.  A real friend of the working class, that guy.

The only time I turn the sound on is when Marianne Williamson is speaking, because I can't make that up.  Also, her comment about Flint and Grosse Point was incisive.

Here are some needlehooks:
As you observe these primary debates, and Lordy we have another one tonight, keep in mind that the Democrat primary universe is not the general election universe. These wacky policies are not going to play in the general election. How will the chosen stooge walk this crap back once they have to address the public? Taking people's health care away in favor of a Veterans Administration-like system run by the post office is not appealing ( 90% have healthcare coverage, by the way.) The tax cuts, the ones the media has tricked people into thinking only went to the rich, will disappear along with your 401k invested in the stock market. The green new deal will cost a household $70K in the first year. But any argument against these policies are dismissed as Republican talking points.
The reality is that much of the racism that the left complains about these days has proved under scrutiny to be imaginary, which is good news for the country but bad news for politicians and activists who thrive on racial division.
When I was a child and living in Cleveland, currently the fourth poorest city in the United States and one that rivals Baltimore in poverty, crime, and abhorrent living conditions, especially among persons of color, I recall the fellows at the barbershop having a good laugh about urban renewal grants.

"I see Louis [our congressman at the time] is going to be putting in a new swimming pool"

"Yep", replied another patron, "Right in his own backyard".

The room surrendered to guffaws.

Also, this: