Wednesday, April 24, 2019

An Update and Continuing Humble Request

As we noted last week, The Coracle is building electric guitars for use by schools and other institutions that no longer have the wherewithal to support music programs, or for those young people whose parents haven't the discretionary income to purchase an overpriced store guitar for their offspring. 

We have arranged for guitars to be built and given to two state school districts, a school on the Navajo reservation, and a school in Kenya.  Our projected goal is 200 guitars.

Thus far, we have received enough in donations immediately to begin work on five guitars.  We hope the first, The Jeanne Edition [she knows why it's named that], will be ready to present to a student at the end-of-year ceremonies at a local school.

To the right, you will see a button marked as such:

Even a few stray dollars will get us further towards our goal and, importantly, prevent the vagaries of our economy from robbing young musicians of a chance to participate and excel.