Saturday, January 19, 2019


I occasionally come across quotations that snag my attention like a needle-hook to yarn.  I may or may not agree with the writer's perspective, I may find them derivative or vulgar, but they represent something that stirs my curiosity and, sometimes, thinking.

From time to time I'll share them and their source, but caveat emptor.
Since I have one parent who was a legal immigrant to the US and another who is the descendant of African slaves brought to America, people sometimes think they can figure out what I think about illegal aliens... 
We are seeing the results of the New Way right now.
There are two types of Open Borders advocates and both are operating from two unspoken and separate but related premises:
• One is that illegal aliens who aren't white are genetically incapable of fixing their countries of origin.
• The second is that, because of the first, allowing them to overrun the US will take this country down and make it ripe for a fundamental socialist transformation... 
So, I say this to both prongs of the Open Borders crowd: I see what you're doing, as do many others. You want to import people *you think* are too inferior to fix their own countries.And you think that alleged inferiority makes them malleable to a mindset of your choosing.You believe the same of black Americans, but too many of us see through it, so we were discarded in favor of the prospective new Serf Class. 
A word of warning: As with many things written on the Internet, this writer makes use of pungent language to accentuate her points.