Tuesday, February 6, 2018

It Often Seems That Revolutions Sooner or Later Begin to Devour Themselves

Thus it is for Feminism, apparently.

It’s all common sense. And yet Katie Roiphe must be counted as courageous for saying such things in her thoughtful Harper’s essay “The Other Whisper Network: How Twitter Feminism Is Bad for Women.” On social media, Roiphe finds herself being scored all over again, having been vitriolically denounced last month when rumors about the contents of the essay hit the Internet while it was still being written. 

The "offending" essay may be found here.  It seems rather innocuous, actually.  There is a remarkable ideological totalitarianism taking place right now, isn't there?  Perhaps this is another sign of cultural decline, along with the self-indulgence and narcissism of finding a great many common things to be "problematic".

To paraphrase Andrew Cummins' observation about the term "Islamaphobia", the word "problematic" seems "a word created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons."