Monday, February 12, 2018

Christianity and the "Alt Right"

This is fascinating and should be read in its entirety.
As you may know, many young conservatives have left Christianity,” the message begins. “Although I was raised Catholic, I too am leaving Catholicism, as I believe it is no longer a healthy religion.” The young man’s name is Dan, and he explains why he is apostatizing. “The Church has become the number one enemy of Western Civilization. Soon the only people left in Christianity will be third-world immigrants and a handful of self-hating whites.”
In recent months, emails like Dan’s have been sent to several Christian academics and clergy. His name is likely phony, but for a growing number of young men, the sentiments he expresses are real. Their ideological movement is called the “alt-right,” a name coined only eight years ago.
For those wondering, yes, I and many of the clergy whom I know received the same e-mail about six months or so ago.  It wasn't based on our race or politics [as a half-breed libertarian, I hope not], but seemed addressed to anyone who is a part of general catholic [small "c"] tradition.