Monday, October 20, 2014

Dear Higher Ed: When, Exactly, Did You Come To See Christians As Your Enemy?

There is an organization named The Veritas Forum that is currently presenting conversations in colleges and universities about the role of religion in our society in a manner that is open, useful, and in the spirit of honest inquiry.  While that's an uncomfortable notion in the conformism factory that is higher education in the United States, it is meeting with some success and has even been praised by those who fancy themselves as "agnostic" [which is Greek for "I want you to think I'm smart"].

At this link is a list of the forums planned for the current academic year, and they do sound very interesting.  I'm especially intrigued by those conducted by N.T. Wright, the former bishop of Durham in The Church of England and an engaging teacher and theologian.

Veritas Forums 2014-2015

[Before anyone assumes that the colleges and universities are only those often labeled by the media as reactionary Christian, the forums are being presented at Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, Duke, William and Mary, and other hotbeds of Jerry Falwell-style fundamentalism.]