Friday, September 12, 2014

I'm Going To Get Clobbered On This A Little Later Today

I read an article that I found odd in The Living Church, as linked to from my alma mater, The General Theological Seminary in New York City, on Facebook this morning and, against my better judgement, wrote a response to it via the same medium.  I suspect I will be in for a day of responses, including some that will be defensive or condescending.  Then again, the last time I did something like this the Seminary merely deleted my posting.

Anyway, here's what I said in case it gets erased later today:

"Describing life at GTS in the past as "cloistered" is misleading. We were always encouraged to explore a rich variety of ministry opportunities and, unless I missed the fine print somewhere, were never limited in our participation in the community outside of The Close. I believe I may speak for all of my classmates in this regard. As long as we satisfied our academic and community requirements and expectations, there was considerable freedom granted to us. It was why I elected to attend GTS."

The original article may be found here.

[Update: Yep, they deleted it.]