(1) Contrary to some initial news reports, Alexis did not use an AR-15 assault rifle. Rather, he used a shotgun, which he brought with him, and a pistol he appears to have taken from an armed guard at the Navy Yard. So, arguments about banning “military-style assault rifles” don’t fit this particular — still tragic — narrative.
(2) Alexis had a Secret security clearance. More than a simple criminal background check, the procedure requires a few months to a year of investigation. So, the usual arguments about basic background checks for gun ownership preventing tragedies of this sort don’t fit this narrative either.
So, what does fit? What changes to law and policy can we talk about in the aftermath of this week’s tragedy?
Second Story, something one won't find in any American media:
SAS hero of the mall massacre: Off-duty soldier with a handgun saved 100 lives as terrorists ran amok
Third Story, to be filed under "Gee, no kidding":
Bloomberg News - Turns Out Obamacare Is Going to Limit Your Choices
Fourth Story: The folks we're currently supporting in Syria removing a cross from a Christian church because it "offends" them.