Occasional Holy Man and Luthier Who Offers Stray, Provocative, and Insouciant Thoughts About Religion, Archaeology, Human Foible, Surfing, and Interesting People. Thalassophile. Nemesis of all Celebrities [except for Chuck Norris]. He Lives Vicariously Through Himself. He has a Piece of Paper That Proves He's Laird of Glencoe.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Somebody Get Him An Assault Vest And Parachute
Obama Is Willing to Go It Alone in Syria, Aides Say
Since they haven't said anything about this, I'm assuming the House of Bishops are going to hit the silk with him. "Stand up, buckle up, shuffle to the door; jump in the sky and shout 'Vox Populi, Vox Deo'."
[Actually, it's "...shout 'Marine Corps!'", but that doesn't fit the notoriously pacifistic clergy.
Well, they're pacifists when it's a Republican in the White House. They get terribly butch when it's a Democrat. Maybe they're too busy working on their anti-violence campaign, like our three bishops are.
Yeah, I would think war was violent, but what do I know?]