Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Some Common Sense From The Hartford Courant

Malloy Oversight: Safety Panel Locks Out Gun Industry

"The gun industry will oppose many of the proposed reforms, it will lobby hard, and it may end up on what some of us consider the wrong side of this issue. But excluding it from the table at the outset would be unwise policy even if this were not the state where the industry was born, and even if this were not the industry whose history did nothing short of defining Connecticut’s industrial heritage."

Again, I'm absolutely amazed that no one is seriously speaking about the role of psychotropic medication, the common element is all of the mass shootings for the last fifteen years. 

Colt may be part of Connecticut's heritage, but Pfizer is its future.  Besides, guess which one gave more to the governor's campaign.

[By the way, bishops; consider this a free lesson in speaking truth to power, questioning authority, and all of the other nonsense I've heard from the Houses of Bishops and Deputies for the last thirty-one years.  True representation of the Gospel means that you sometimes have to question even those for whom you voted in secular elections.]