Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Trouble in Paradise

Yale students enjoy luxuries akin to European aristocracy. Students live in resort-style housing that includes lavish feasts, massage parlors and recreational spaces that boast everything from a printing press to a pottery studio. However, Yale students afflicted with PDS display derangement symptoms similar to an oppressed religious cult. They refuse to interact with the world around them. They have demanded the buildings be renamed. They support the desecration of art. They sanitize history by demanding professors exclude certain authors from syllabi. 
The Yale administration believes they can treat PDS through concessions and pacification. Unfortunately, their prescription has been ineffective. The disease has even spread to graduate students, who in 2017 held a “hunger strike” as part of their attempt to unionize. 
For some background, graduate students receive a full-tuition scholarship, funding for their research, full health coverage and a minimum $31,800 “stipend” that goes up by year. That still was not enough. They decided their working conditions were so unbearable and their employer so hostile their only choice was to go on hunger strike. Except they ate anyway when they were hungry.