Wednesday, October 9, 2019


What in the world is going on here?
Two Sixers fans booted from game over ‘Free Hong Kong’ signs

NBA, Stop Being Beijing’s Enforcers

This Daryl Morey-China Situation is the NBA-Loving Sports Media's Worst Nightmare

We’re Not Exporting Our Values to China — We’re Importing Theirs 

How China forces American companies to do its political bidding

An hourly Marriott employee got fired for liking a tweet
I've had way too many students from Hong Kong over the years, and been privy to too many of their stories, to ever bend the knee to that bunch of brutal, murderous thugs who hide behind a once-noble history that they have perverted through Communism, an ideology for simpletons, and the atrocities for which it serves as an excuse.

I've had three Communists in my life attempt to "convert" me to their horror, and each one needed his gun to encourage it.  I was glad to have hurt their feelings.  This is the United States of America and if a corporation fears China in regards to its bottom-line, wait until they meet 300 million aggravated Americans.

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