Thursday, December 13, 2018


I occasionally come across quotations that snag my attention like a needle-hook to yarn. I may or may not agree with the writer's perspective, I may find them derivative or vulgar, but they represent something that stirs my curiosity and, sometimes, thinking. 

From time to time I'll share them and their source, but caveat emptor.
Observant Christians and Jews have long confounded the Left. They don’t get people for whom belief is more than a one hour per week obligation. For them, religion is a shiny bauble. One heads to church or temple on a major holiday. It’s a chance to look good in front of the neighbors. They offer “thoughts and prayers” when faced with tragedy and little more. The rest of the year they’ll mock the religious, poke each other in the ribs with a wink-wink, nudge-nudge, and tell each other how smart they are. 

Leftists are like the caricature of the Ugly American tourist who believes the native will understand him if he speaks English slower and louder. Perez doesn’t understand, or doesn’t want to understand, that it’s the Democrat message faith-involved people reject. The Left has substituted The State for God and their message is one of “turn your life over to us and you’ll be taken care of.” It’s a message libertarians and conservatives reject.
Having grown up in a home with a father who was the county Democratic Party treasurer for a couple of decades, and a mother who was a Democratic candidate for school board, and both of them being devout and worshiping Christians, it is difficult for me to reconcile that experience with a party that seems, in our contemporary times, to despair of the vulgarians who believe in God over the beneficence of a large, intrusive, opaque, and self-interested government.