Monday, November 12, 2018

An Obituary of Note

Stan Lee, Marvel Comics' Real-Life Superhero, Dies at 95

Interesting sword of two edges with Lee.  Undeniably, he ripped off his artists as often as possible, taking credit for more than he should have.  On the other hand, these artists would never have been as well-known, nor as influential, if not for Lee.

Real life is complicated, isn't it?  Mozart and Jack the Ripper have more in common with one another than one would ordinarily think.

I have to hand it to him, though, as my life would not be as rich without his influence.  His comic books encouraged me to read mythology, then literature, then scripture.  My facility with archetype, as worked through multiple scholarly studies through the years, was developed through the medium he popularized.

Ave atque vale, Stan.