Thursday, October 18, 2018

Other Than That, the Study was Perfect

American Academy of Pediatrics policy and trans- kids:Fact-checking
These claims struck me as odd because there are no studies of conversion therapy for gender identity. Studies of conversion therapy have been limited to sexual orientation—specifically, the sexual orientation of adults—not gender identity, and not children in any case. The article AAP cited to support their claim (reference number 38) is indeed a classic and well-known review, but it is a review of sexual orientation research only. Neither gender identity, nor even children, received even a single mention in it. Indeed, the narrower scope of that article should be clear to anyone reading even just its title: “The practice and ethics of sexual orientation conversion therapy” (Haldeman, 1994, p. 221, italics added).
Considering the suicide attempt rate among transgendered young people is as high as 50%, it may be time for an objective study.  Being "woke" will earn a researcher grants, but it also leads to the inaccurate address of psychological issues.

Of course, being "woke" is rarely anything other than a form of self-congratulation on the part of the researcher, so that is well-covered.  I mean, what's a few suicides here or there...and here and long as it means grant money and tenure?