Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Post-Christian Society is Really Something, Isn't It?

USA Today: Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kirstjen Nielsen experiences at restaurants suggest a 'soft' civil war is well underway. It will get worse unless we learn to stop hating each other.

Yes, but the vessel for reconciling human excess is Christianity and other religions, and they have been judged by our elites as fit only for the poorly educated and unsophisticated who are on "the wrong side of history*".
What would make things better? It would be nice if people felt social ties that transcend politics. Americans’ lives used to involve a lot more intermediating institutions — churches, fraternal organizations, neighborhoods — that crossed political lines. Those have shrunk and decayed, and in fact, for many people politics seems to have become a substitute for religion or fraternal organizations. If you find your identity in your politics, you’re not going to identify with people who don’t share them.
I recall directly after the election the #LoveTrumpsHate hashtag was popular.  It appears that #HateTrumpsEverything has replaced it.

[*A moronic expression used almost exclusively by those ignorant of history.]