Tuesday, October 24, 2017

You Don't Say

Americans Agree More Than They Realize

The other day I listened to a colleague lament that some members of his congregation practiced politics that were not in line with those of the Episcopal Church.  Great, I thought.  Now there's a political litmus test for coming to the altar rail for the sacrament.  I thought we were supposed to be above this.

The fact that his observation went unchallenged and elicited several enthusiastic nods from others indicated the weltanschauung that is diminishing Protestantism.  The thing is, I can speak from experience when I note that a congregation can perform mighty works and also represent a variety of secular ideology within its community.  That's kind of the point of Christianity, really.

By the way, for those wondering, the "politics of The Episcopal Church", in this context, is that of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party:  Socialism, Sanders, single-payer insurance, government wage controls, government-defined marriage, government-permitted education, government-managed benefits and care, etc.

If it has the term "government" as its prefix, it's all ๐Ÿ‘, man.  Kind of an ironic perspective for a church, isn't it?