Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pretty Good, In That They Fooled CBS News Last Night

Like any sane and sentient person, I appreciate the importance of keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and lunatics, which is unfortunately something neither Connecticut nor the USA is truly interested in doing.  Instead, they are fixed on keeping guns and ammo away from an upper-middle aged cleric with no history of mental disorder or criminal behavior.  Well, it fools the rubes into thinking something is being done, I guess, which is what politicians want.

However, if such a form of "control" is the goal, the truth is a far better tool than an exaggerated "school shooting map".

Here are 33 Questionable Entries on the ‘Viral’ Everytown Map of All School Shootings Since Newtown

Of course, the easiest way to reduce these episodes would be not to incessantly publicize them on cable news.  But, then, cable news wouldn't be able to charge as much in advertising money.

By the way, most of these shootings occurred in "gun-free zones".  Why won't criminals and lunatics obey the signs?

P.S. Here's some news that's no surprise at all:  The Oregon shooter broke every single gun control law in the state of Oregon.  So, the answer must be that we need more laws.