Thursday, March 20, 2014

Petty Bureaucrats Of The Week

Oh, hey.  They're in Connecticut.

City orders woman to take down fliers in search for missing dogs

Although I was once a little annoyed that someone put lost dog flyers on all of the cars in the parish parking lot during Palm Sunday services.  Where I live, that dog was already a predator's meal and, naturally, I had to clean up the discarded leaflets.

[For those wondering: "Style guides seem to disagree with dictionaries about the proper spelling for handbills: “flier” or “flyer.” Supposedly, “flier” is the American spelling and “flyer” is the British spelling. That’s what Garner’s Modern American Usage claims, and that claim is backed up by the Associated Press (an American organization), which recommends “flier,” and The Economist (a British publication), which recommends “flyer.”]