Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Professional Milestone Of Sorts

My wife mentioned something that I had noticed, but only at a subliminal level.  For the first time in a few years or so, no one called, wrote, or spoke to me of a complaint for a week now.  No complaint about church music, ice on the walkways, a burned out light bulb, the cleaning service, the parish website/newsletter/order of service/Facebook page/etc.  I suppose I would hear complaints about The Coracle, too, if more than five or six members of my parish actually read it.

I had forgotten how peaceful the world could be.  I'm hoping that people have given up complaining for Lent, but that may be wishful thinking.  Maybe, though, we've become aware of how fortunate we are and are looking at the world through that prism, rather than as a place of perpetual disappointment.

If so, then the Gospel is truly being heard.  Amen to that, eh?