Monday, May 20, 2013

And Now, News From The City With The Strictest Gun Control Laws

5 Dead, 15 Wounded In Weekend Violence

It's weird; it's as if there are people who don't follow laws.  How can that be?

Meanwhile, a frustrated Hartford resident nails it:

"We keep creating programs, but the programs we create, the only children that are going to go are the children that have morals instilled in them," said Guiles-Smith. "We walk right past the root of the problem."

Yep, if only there were organizations in our society that promoted positive thinking, mutual regard, moral elevation, and even love.  We could house their meetings in buildings conveniently located and offer their services to the entire community free of charge, say on a Sunday morning.  Hey, I know, we could offer music and instruction, too.  Gosh, what a great idea.  If only there were such institutions....