Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Now Wait A Minute

Every year I get a letter from the Internal Revenue Service reminding me that explicitly political commentary may not be offered from a church's pulpit without causing a review of the church's non-tax status with the federal government.  I don't remember when this started, but it's been at least ten years now.  I have even heard that IRS agents will sit in the pews on a Sunday morning in suspect churches to make sure of compliance.

Well, apparently rules are only for us little people, and not for presidential advisers:

Senior White House Adviser Blasts Republicans from the Pulpit

While I prefer to preach the Gospel from the pulpit [well, near it], I still do not care for a government agency that's willing to coerce my speech when I'm in a place supposedly free from their meddling.  I find it particularly aggravating to discover that the rules are only for those outside of the Washington power pocket.  If it is to be a tax regulation, then apply it equally or don't apply it at all.  As a Midwesterner, in the language of my people, that's not fair otherwise.