Thursday, January 12, 2012

As Mentioned In A Previous Posting...

A great surf beach is now on the endangered list:

Marina threatens Mexican surf sanctuary

I'm convinced that, within a generation, the only good ride will be found in "surf parks", God help us, where you have to pay someone to ride an articifial wave.  As I mentioned in another medium:

Surf beaches can change over time, either due to natural disaster, erosion of the bottom, or changes in current patterns wrought by those who claim to have the science to address such things. Some of the famous beaches, especially those in family-friendly areas, are no longer able to provide any experience of interest to the obsessed surf community, as they have been “improved” with jetties and other artificial construction so that maladroit, video-addicted children won’t hurt themselves in 12 inches of water.

I should also have added, in the style of Hunter S. Thompson, " that 'crazy greedheads' could have a place to park their oversized boats."