Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Busy, Busy Month Of May

Okay, so far this month we have participated with our Christian brothers and sisters in a community ecumenical experience last Sunday, produced a marvelously fun and successful charity concert for wounded veterans, and, for the second year in row, served as the community host for the National Day of Prayer.

Before the month is over, we will also have participated as the returning double-victors in the Bishops 5K for Children, celebrated the first sacrament of Confirmation at Christ Church in fifteen years, and taken our traditional role in Roxbury's Memorial Day parade.

However, the next event that requires our aid and participation is the Bone Marrow Registration Drive, as organized by our own Cindy Turner [whose designer shoes and other items may be perused and purchased through the link found way below] that will be held in our parish house on Thursday, May 12th from 3:30pm to 6:30pm.