Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How About A Prayer Of Thanksgiving For Karl And His Family?

My former student, Karl, lives in the Tallahassee area.  He was the captain of acolytes at an Episcopal Church boarding school when I served as its chaplain.  This is his bedroom as of this morning.  To quote him, three more feet in one direction and his children would have been orphans.  He and his wife managed to crawl out of this unharmed.  Apparently a tornado stopped by and tore off a sizable hunk of a nearby oak., which landed on Karl's roof.

I have not seen Karl since he graduated back in the early '90's, but we have maintained a correspondence.  What really delighted me was that many of my former students sent word to him, via Facebook, expressing their relief that no one was injured.  They even offered prayers.  Looks like all those morning chapel services paid off.

Said Karl to the local news, "You can think of it as a curse [that the house was destroyed], or you can think of it as a blessing [that no one was hurt], and I truly think of it as a blessing."