Friday, October 29, 2010

Power Outage

I was informed by C.L. & P. yesterday that the power at the parish, parish house, and rectory will be off for several hours Saturday morning as they work on the power lines in the area of the green.  This will mean that incoming calls to the office or rectory will not be received nor messages recorded.  We will not have Internet capacity during that time, either, so e-mail will not receive a response. 

Those working in the parish in the morning are advised to dress warmly. 

Those who were attending the guitar workshop at 8:30 should understand that it will be re-scheduled as it's difficult to use power tools and an air brush without electricity.

We regret the inconvenience.

[As of 10am, the power has been restored.]
[Now, the power is off again.]
[Okay, it's back.]
[Off.  This is getting monotonous.]
[On.  Please stay on.]