Friday, June 4, 2010

Another Small Bit Of Restoration

I remember that on my first Sunday at Christ Church, I believe it was the last Sunday of November in 1999, I kept squinting at what appeared to be a bare piece of wood bolted to the wall.  I think it was a week later before I thought to see what it was about.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered a simple memorial to a son of the parish, killed in one of the more tragic moments of the Second World War, its lettering obscured by 60 years of dust and faded paint.

I always meant to do something about it, as an unreadable memorial says something rather poor about community memories and shared history.  I never had the chance and, when I left in October of 2001, regretted it.

Well, thanks to the miracle of common modeling paint and a cheap, Chinese brush, I have surrendered at least one minor regret.  It'll be nice to see from the sanctuary.

The story of the USS Turner may be found here.

[Sue, click on the word "here".  Also, click on the photo to enlarge it.]