Friday, May 21, 2010

Remember To Wear Red On Sunday [Even Just A Little]

The problem with taking a few days off of posting on this site is that I fall out of the habit.  I also seem to run out of things to say.  I was hoping for a feast day I could mention [there is none today], or some archaeological news [what little there is bores even me], but no such luck.  So, since I have four letters and a newsletter article to write, I may not be able to revisit this site today.   

I do want to remind members of the parish's "lay services", that is, the members of the vestry, altar guild, the healing minsters, and the choir that we will be restoring an ancient practice of the Day of Pentecost [this Sunday] when, as an evocation of the Great Commissioning of the disciples, we offer something similar by way of prayer and intention for those who serve the greater, and rather practical, needs of the parish.  It requires nothing of the participants other than to receive the Holy Spirit as evoked by the community of the faithful.

Also, it's always nice to wear red on Pentecost Sunday [like this happy fellow pictured above], as the symbol of fire is of such importance.