• 1898–1900 Frederick J. Bliss and R.A.S. Macalister excavated 4 major sites in the Shephelah region of Israel:
Tell es-Safi (probably Biblical Gath)
Tell Zakariya (probably Biblical Azekah)
Tell ej-Judeideh (possibly Biblical Moresheth-Gath or Libnah)
Tell Sandahannah (probably Biblical Mareshah)
• 1902–3, 1907–9 R.A.S. Macalister excavated Gezer, where the oldest Hebrew inscription (Gezer Calendar) was found on the surface
• 1902–4 Ernest Sellin excavated Taanach
• 1903–5 Gottlieb Schumacher excavated Megiddo
• 1905–7 Herman Kohl, Ernest Sellin, and Carl Watzinger surveyed ancient synagogues in Galilee
• 1907–9 Ernest Sellin and Carl Watzinger excavated Shechem
• 1908, 1910–1 David G. Lyon, Clarence S. Fisher, and George A. Reisner excavated Samaria
• 1911–3 Duncan Mackenzie excavated Beth Shemesh
• 1921–3, 1925–8, 1930–3 Clarence S. Fisher, Alan Rowe, and Gerald M. Fitzgerald excavated Beth Shean
• 1922–3 William F. Albright excavated Tell el-Ful (probably Biblical Gibeah)
• 1925–39 Clarence S. Fisher, P.L.O. Guy, and Gordon Loud excavated Megiddo
• 1926, 1928, 1930, 1932 William F. Albright excavated Tell Beit Mirsim (possibly Biblical Eglon or Debir–Kirjath Sepher)
• 1926–7, 1929, 1932, 1935 William F. Bade excavated Mizpah
• 1928–33 Elihu Grant excavated Beth Shemesh
• 1930–6 John Garstang excavated Jericho
• 1931–3, 1935 John W. Crowfoot excavated Samaria
• 1932–38 James L. Starkey excavated Lachish (the excavation terminated when he was killed by bandits near Hebron while on his way to the opening ceremonies of the Palestine Archaeological Museum)
• 1936–40 Benjamin Mazar excavated Beit She’arim.
• 1948–50, 1952–5 Jacob Kaplan excavated Jaffa
• 1954, 1959–62 Yohanan Aharoni excavated Ramat Rahel
• 1955–8, 1968 Yigael Yadin excavated Hazor
• 1956–7, 1959–60, 1962 James B. Pritchard excavated Gibeon
• 1961–7 Kathleen Kenyon excavated Jerusalem (City of David)
• 1962–7 Yohanan Aharoni and Ruth Amiran excavated Arad
• 1962–3, 1965–72 Moshe Dothan excavated Ashdod
• 1963–5 Yigael Yadin excavated Masada
• 1964–74 G. Ernest Wright, William G. Dever, and Joe Seger excavated Gezer
o This was the first Palestinian excavation to operate as a school by granting academic/college credit.
• 1968–78 Benjamin Mazar excavated Jerusalem (southwest corner of the Temple Mount)
• 1969–76 Yohanan Aharoni and Ze’ev Herzog excavated Beersheba
• 1969–82 Nahman Avigad excavated Jerusalem (Jewish Quarter)
• 1973–94 David Ussishkin excavated Lachish
• 1975–82 Avraham Biran excavated Aroer
• 1977–9, 1981–9 Amihai Mazar and George L. Kelm excavated Timnah
• 1978–85 Yigal Shiloh excavated Jerusalem (City of David)
• 1979–80 Gabriel Barkay excavated Ketef Hinnom
• 1979, 1981–2, 1984–7, 1990–1, 1993–2000 David Livingston excavated Khirbet Nisya
• 1981–2, 1984–8, 1990, 1992–6 Trude Dothan and Seymour Gitin excavated Ekron
• 1989–96 Amihai Mazar excavated Tel Beit-Shean
2. 21st Century
• 1994–2007 Israel Finkelstein and David Ussishkin excavated Megiddo (ongoing annually)
• 1996–2002, 2004–2008 Aren Maeir excavates at Tell es-Safi (identified as Biblical Gath) of the Philistines
• 1997– Amihai Mazar excavated Tel Rehov
• 1999–2001, 2005 Ron Tappy excavated Tel Zayit (Zeitah)
• 2005 Oded Lipschits excavated Ramat Rahel
• 2005 Amir Gorzalczany and Gerald Finkielsztejn excavated Nahal Tut
• 2007 Yosef Garfinkel and Saar Ganor excavated Khirbet Qeiyafa
Links to the sites listed above will be offered by the end of the week.