Sunday, September 8, 2019

Soylent Green is...You Know

Swedish Researcher Pushes Eating Human Flesh as Answer to Future Climate Change Food Shortages

Eugenics and genocide are always in the mix with those who opine about the environment.  While it's always an imagined "other" who will be eaten, history teaches us that all movements eventually turn on themselves.  Or, in common parlance, sooner or later activists eat their own.  See The French Revolution for how this plays out.

Of course, since contemporary environmental activism was originally a product of Socialism, that's no real surprise.  Right on cue, clap hands, here comes Bernie:
Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders answered "yes" and spoke about abortion when asked at a CNN town hall event Wednesday night if population control would play a part in his administration's policy for dealing with climate change.
The fact that he was specifically speaking about "population control" in countries that are not predominantly Caucasian was interesting.