Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Some Recent, and Obtuse, Jack Kerouac References

If you're a reporter journalist, when in doubt, Kerouac out.

Have to write an obit of a perfectly ordinary local musician?  Kerouac that thang:
Asa Brebner, at 65; guitarist/songwriter in Boston bands and alone
He was known for an astonishing range of music, from roots-rock and punk to R&B and gospel, along with an edgy, Jack Kerouac-meets-Charles Bukowski* wit that “did not suffer fools gladly,” said longtime bandmate John Pfister.

Have to write a review of a tedious one-woman show that is, for some reason, supported by your publisher?  It's Kerouac time:

Work is a four-letter word in Claudia Shear’s 'Blown Sideways Through Life'
Under Pam Wiley’s snappy direction, Carrie McQueen delivers a spirited, R-rated, syncopated and rapid-fire performance. Shear’s jazzy language owes a debt to Jack Kerouac and other beat writers.

Have to write...something...about this year's [so far] most peculiar contender for the Democratic nomination?  There is only one way to go, and that's Kerouac:

Ladies, we need to talk about Beto
Beto spent the better part of the winter musing on his Medium account about the vicissitudes of life like a discount Jack Kerouac, only to emerge from his period " adrift" to announce that he's in fact running for vice president.
Rubin: Beto O'Rourke: Savior or slacker?
"Jack Kerouac-style, he roams around, jobless (does he not need a job?) to find himself and figure out if he wants to lead the free world," Nia-Malika Henderson wrote at CNN in January, during what she called Beto O'Rourke's "excellent adventure." "This is a luxury no woman or even minority in politics could ever have.'"
Beto and the White House
There was hope among Democratic partisans that after Mr. O’Rourke ended his impersonation of Jack Kerouac he would challenge John Cornyn, the other Republican senator, next year. But he dreams bigger than that. Instead, as he revealed last week, he would try to turn an unimpressive three terms as an obscure congressman into a run for the presidency. Mr. O’Rourke’s rollout was accompanied by a profile in Vanity Fair, replete with an Annie Leibowitz photographic album.
 *I found myself wondering what was trying to be said about the deceased musician, as both Kerouac and Bukowski were notorious drunks.  It's not really a flattering comparison.