Also known as the "Age of Atomic Nihilism" or the "Neo-Marxist Age".
1. Flipping Off the President Doesn’t Make You a Hero
When you remove "respect the dignity of every human being" [it's in the Baptismal Covenant] from your repertoire of behavior, especially in such a public manner, all you do is help to make society less civil.
2. No-Shave November is Supposed to Be About Charity, Not Hipster Mustaches
Yes, confusing virtue-signalling actions with charitable giving has a checkered history. Actually, it largely fails. It's a much better use of one's charitable giving to donate to one's congregation. That way, not only are you fully informed as to how the money is to be used, but you have some say in and control over it.
3. Really, when it comes to the ghastly interpersonal escapades of those in the power structure of Hollywood and Washington D.C., I could link to several pages of articles. If I went back to the Clinton administration, that would take a whole weblog.
So, allow me to observe two things:
1. We may be seeing why human sexuality is enshrined in the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, with promises shared and in full view of a congregation of supporters, and
2. It's a good thing for Hollywood no longer to serve as our moral and ethical superiors. That was a tawdry attitude, anyway, and one that was un-deserved and self-assigned.