Wednesday, December 7, 2016

We're Moving

Well, no, not The Coracle, just the location of The Coracle's headquarters, as I have accepted another position in another town.  This means that posting will be minimal for awhile as I will be between Internet service providers and the electronic machines will not always be accessible.  I'll try to have at least one posting per day, however.

What's nice about this move is that the new parish is actually paying for it, rather than the last time when I had to pay for it myself, and I won't have to move all of those boxes and that furniture by myself. Good thing, as I'm not as spry as I was eight years ago.

The new congregation is also refinishing floors, painting the interior, finding and sealing leaks, and purchasing new kitchen appliances for their rectory.  Wow, I'm not used to this treatment.  It was particularly heartening to see how many parishioners were involved in the actual labor.

However, a move is a move and I'm hoping there is some Xanax left over from that time I had oral surgery.