Thursday, June 18, 2015

What Happens in Academia Will Eventually Occur in Ecclesia, and that Concerns Us

At our last diocesan convention, a group of clergy and laity explained that the time had come for the term "Father" to cease to be used as a form of address as it was patriarchal, cisnormative, sexist, etc.  Personally, as long as it's intended to be respectful, I find the shrinking membership of the diocese perfectly able to determine their own language choices when addressing clergy.  A more troubling aspect is that this group wished to form a committee to visit parishes to ensure that they were conforming with this new world order.  Hello, Uncle Joe Stalin.

I have a horrible feeling that this is just going to get worse:
Working to correct inequities is a noble goal—which explains the appeal of the “social justice” movement to many fair-minded people. But the movement in its current form is not about that. It elevates an extreme and polarizing version of identity politics in which individuals are little more than the sum of their labels. It encourages wallowing in anger and guilt. It promotes intolerance and the politicization of everything. It must be stopped—not only for the sake of freedom, but for the sake of a kinder, fairer society.