Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Week Ago This Was Some Crazy Idea From A Right-Wing, NRA Nutcase. What Happened?

A nutcase who was ridiculed and vilified by the people who can afford private security, have publicly-funded security provided by tax-payers, or send their kids to schools with their own security services.  Now look:

Washington Post:  White House may consider funding for police in schools after Newtown

You mean my granddaughter could potentially be protected like the children of NBC's David Gregory, who scoffed at this idea on Meet the Press, or the mayor of Chicago, that gun control paradise, who scoffed at the idea in public comments?  Gee, what changed?

Oh, look:  Obama Signs Bill Giving Him Armed Protection For Life

Of course:  Obama Opposed Right to Use Gun to Defend One’s Home