Tuesday, September 15, 2009

More About Borlaug

I noted on Sunday the passing of Norman Borlaug, of whom more may be read here.

I've been waiting a few days for my buds at GetReligion to explore what was, to me, the big missing piece of his story. Namely, what drove him to do what he did. It will come as no surprise to anyone who reads this that it was his Christian faith.

Borlaug: Not by bread alone

As one who once worked as a stringer for a newspaper chain, and dealt with some of the most strident editors in the history of American journalism, I'm surprised that this angle wasn't naturally explored in the composition of the articles that have been written since the weekend. I'm really surprised that the editors involved didn't demand it.

Do contemporary journalists really find American religion so off-putting that they wouldn't mention what would be for many the most interesting portion of Borlaug's story? Also, may we expect some committee to suggest Borlaug for a lesser feast day?

[Unfortunately, I think I know the answers to both questions.]