Thursday, August 18, 2016

One of Our Less Admirable Traditions

An Episcopal priest in Oregon inserted himself into a gun controversy – actually, created one – and then he acted shocked, shocked at the public blowback.

Clergy will take what is, in their own church, a non-controversial stance in order to attract negative attention from the outside world and then label those who disagree with them as morally inferior; or, in this case, as "critics and trolls...lobbing their hate and vitriol."  It's an old game that we clergy have played for as long as I've been ordained.  Longer, really, and one that has been perfected through social media.

Stirring up anger and diminishing the human dignity of those with whom we disagree is not helpful in proclamation.  I used to think that, even in the midst of such controversies, we were better than this.  I may be showing my age maturity, perhaps.

[Also, I'd think twice about using a rector's discretionary fund for such purposes.  Not only is the money donated to that fund intended to help the hungry, poor, and otherwise disadvantaged, but there are canonical laws regulating its use.  Take advice from this senior cleric and use your own money when making a quixotic, attention-getting gesture.]