Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Surfers Busted for Surfing in an Area with No Prohibitive Signs

Surfing Ain't A Crime

I was among a group menaced by Taylor Swift's security team on a Rhode Island beach near her home a year or so ago.  Ms. Swift and her not-too-swift security were unaware that, in the United States, the entire coastline is open to the public.  Apparently, even the police aren't always aware of that.  After threatening us with arrest, a threat we asked them to fulfill, and pointing out to them how damaging to Ms. Swift's brand it would be to call the cops on the New England chapter of Christian Surfers who were using a beach we had used for over a decade without molestation, they told us not to litter [?!] and that they'd be back.

They never did return, which was a pity as I had fetched a collection of "Surfing with Jesus" pamphlets from my car to hand to them.