Wednesday, January 14, 2015

In Case You Missed It

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi continues to be the antithesis of longstanding mainstream media portrayals of him.

First there was his historic speech where he, leader of the largest Arab nation, and a Muslim, accused Islamic thinking of being the scourge of humanity — in words that no Western leader would dare utter.  This remarkable speech — which some say should earn him the Nobel Peace Prize — might have fallen by the wayside....

[Trigger Warning: This link takes the reader to a conservative website, so those of tender sensibilities are forewarned.  The article is useful in that it contains numerous links to the original speech and the reporting on it.  While it was lost in the rush of news regarding the Paris attacks, it may be a turning point for moderate Muslim sensibility in regards to Christians and the rest of the world.]