Monday, December 8, 2014

An Editorial Note

I want to thank those who know of my situation for your supportive prayers.  Yesterday I read the Litany at the Time of Death for my mother and with Dad in Mom's very comfortable and private room in the same hospital in which I had my tonsils removed when I was a child.

As we live in a heavily bureaucratized society, no one is allowed to depart this life without the appropriate paperwork completed and fees paid to a remarkable collection of petty authoritarians, so I'm going to be busy with all of that for the remainder of the month.  Not to mention that this is a mere fortnight before Christmas season, so I've got much to organize.

This means the luxury of spending my early mornings posting to The Coracle will be replaced by much more mundane activities. However, there will continue to be a person-of-the-week on Friday mornings and, as a tip of the hat to some very ancient days when I worked at a radio station, some music video later that same day.

We'll return in the new year.