Friday, November 11, 2011

This Is What Happens When The Church Tries To Be "With It"

Most of my ordained colleagues, on both sides of the Atlantic, are sincere and well-meaning individuals.  However, for the most part, they have lived lives sheltered in academia and ecclesia, and, in some cases, pure economic privilege, thus they find their work especially fulfilling when they can support those who have not lived with the same benefits or who have an ill-defined grievance against the world in general.  My colleagues are sometimes shocked, though, when their sincere, if naive, attempts to minister to the "marginalized" are occasions of exploitation rather than thanksgiving.

For example, the staff of St. Paul's Cathedral in London have, literally it appears, stepped in it.

Protesters use cathedral "as a latrine"

Please read the whole article, as both the dean and a canon have resigned in recent days, vandals have painted "666" on the walls, health and safety officials have had to close the cathedral [CLOSE A CATHEDRAL?], and the staff is ready to mutiny.