Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I see that I'm getting a little indolent in regards to the weblog.  In part, this is because most of my computing time is spent using a new tablet computer that has very tiny keys on a touchscreen, thus making the typing tedious and slow.  Secondly, my ability to cut and paste with this new device is also clumsy.

Third, I had wanted information about the reading of the Burial Office for Margot Judge to remain at the top of the page for the week.  And that's where I discovered something interesting.  Namely, very, very few members of my parish actually read this thing.  Originally, it was designed to convey parochial and diocesan information, but I discovered early on that something had to posted every day in order to maintain interest and traffic, and that meant expanding the original intention.  Since this medium tends to reflect the personality of its editor, that meant that what would be posted would be an eclectic collage of spirituality, feast days, historic events, archaeological discoveries, and news items either about the life of faith or those introduced by an absurd headline.  Oh, and surfing.

I know which members of the parish regularly read The Coracle [yes, I can tell], and for that I am beholden, but I also know that my current parish only makes up 5% of the readership.  The remainder is made up of members of former parishes, former students, people who stumbled on the The Coracle through a search engine and stayed, and those referred by other, related, weblogs.

So, in the future, major announcements about parish life will continue to be posted, but I won't reduce the viability of the weblog to reflect only 5% of the readership.  If one checks the weblog once or twice a week, it will serve as a greater medium for communication than e-mails from the parish office that go un-opened or are deleted immediately upon delivery [yes, we can tell when that's been done, too]. 

For now, there will be more postings about church history, language, and feast days, but there will also be items of a less easily defined nature.  All I would ask is that, once or twice a week, those invested in staying informed about Christ Church and its ministries check this page.